HomeGermanyGermany, Next Generation of VoIP Technology Click-2-Call Receives VC Funding

Germany, Next Generation of VoIP Technology Click-2-Call Receives VC Funding


C2Call GmbH, the developer of a browser-based VoIP for the computing cloud, has received a venture financing from High-Tech Gründerfonds and angel investors Michael Brehm and Tapesh Sinha.
The proceeds will fund the internationalization and marketing of www.friendcaller.com, the Java browser-based VoIP suite and the popular FriendCaller iPhone apps.
According to Martin Feuerhahn, Founder and CEO of C2Call, “The High-Tech Gründerfonds not only provided investment, but opened its impressive network of portfolio companies to us and helped us to prepare our corporate structure and legal framework for the next growth phase”.
The company was founded in April 2008 by Martin Feuerhahn and Michael Knecht. It is headquartered in Werl, Germany with an office in Taiwan. 